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How Long Will It Take Me to Master a Trading Setup?

Almost everyone who has taken up the task to master swing trading has this question. The answer is really SIMPLE

Have you ever tried learning a musical instrument ? Like a Guitar or a Piano?

And not just some intro level but a like a pro-guitarist who can walk through those musical scales like a knife runs through butter

Have you known a professional or Tier-1 sportsman or an e-sports gamer?

All of the above people have few traits in common...

This set of traits is must for any competitive activity where you are pitted against the best of the best


A sense of liking for the act is must to understand the nuances of the game as well as develop the creative aptitude


The set of rules and plans you have will define how well you know your craft


A great mentor will help you shorten your learning curve and help you hone your skills in the correct way. Especially when it is about learning to swing trade


Hours and hours of correct exercises and practice


Get off the clock! It has taken the best of the best approx. 6-10 years to master a setup and make it big....We need to hang in there!

And one thing that ties all of the above is a PROCESS driven approach.

Don't look at the scoreboard...Just keep grinding!


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